We anchor our work in the power of relationships and in the promise of a Restorative Approach to build, maintain, and repair those relationships. Through training, consulting, and speaking engagements, RelationAll strengthens youth-serving organizations by shifting the mindsets and building the skill sets of young people and those who support them.
Our Services
Trainings are research-based and interactive. Designed through the dual lenses of adult learning theory and culturally responsive teaching, sessions invite participants to access prior knowledge and unapologetically add their authentic voice to the collective chorus. Trainings can be customized to integrate organization’s existing frameworks and initiatives.
We offer coaching and consulting services to help leaders imagine “what if?” The scope of work may include everything from planning and research, to data collection and materials design. The focus can be narrow– Let’s create a meaningful community builder for staff retreat!— or broad– Let’s create a meaningful five-year plan for organizational culture!
Key-note and panel presentations leverage the levity of a relational approach (including metaphor, storytelling, and play) to balance the weight of technical input.
Relationships are like simple machines. In Class 1 levers (think see-saws,) you can gain mechanical advantage and become more efficient by moving the fulcrum.
These modules– which can be implemented individually or as a series– will move your staff’s relational fulcrums to conserve their energy while better meeting the needs of the youth they serve. Topics include:
The Wonderfulcrum: Challenging bias with restorative dialogue and other curiosity-centered strategies that tap back into our beginner’s mind.
The Powerfulcrum: Amplifying youth voice in order to share power and co-create community with everyone’s input.
The Carefulcrum: Showing up as a warm demander– being the thermostat not the thermometer– to keep youth in a space of relaxed alertness.
The Purposefulcrum: Celebrating all identities to allow youth to connect to and shape their sense of belonging inside and outside the classroom.
The Playfulcrum: Intentionally inviting the breath of joy into contracted spaces to expand perspectives, release tension, and spark connection,